I have seen that clip too. But damn dude if you are searching faces of death what the fuck do you expect to see? That is like going to rotten.com and not expecting to see disturbing things. Most disturbing thing seen online.. probably tubgirl. Offline... well...
I mentioned this in another thread once but didn't go much into detail here is the story. My mom is a truck driver and I used to ride with her sometimes. One time we were going over a hill and about a mile ahead we saw a huge fireball. We slowly aproached it slowly. We saw what I at first thought was a semi in one ditch and a fireball on the other. Was not sure yet what the fireball was. Well as I noticed there was boxes all across the highway. The "semi" in the ditch was actully just a trailer. With the front of it ripped off. The fireball was the truck. We couldn't afford to stop. He was half way on the right hand lane and half way off the road. As we passed him we could feel the heat on my face. And I could see him inside the truck. All that was left of him as a skeleton at that point. Now remember this had happened no more then 2 minutes before we arrived but this was a fucking HUGE fire. And all I have to say is to all the people who believe violent video games and movie "desensitize" people FUCK YOU. I have played as many violent video game and seen as many violent movies as the next guy and this still haunts my dreams. It probably always will.
Meridae'n once played "death" at a game of chess that lasted for over two years. He finally beat death in a best 34 out of 67 match. At that time he could ask for any one thing and he could wish for the hope of all mankind... he looked death right in the eye and said ...
"I would like about three fiddy"