The other day, from that space of not-knowing, I invented that my wife lurkette should have everything she wants. Later that morning, our cat Jack stood her up for their usual snuggle on the bathroom floor bath mat. I heard her in the bathroom calling for him, so I went into the bathroom and laid down on the bath mat and she rubbed my belly and my neck and my chin, and we giggled. It was as happy as I've been in recent memory.
That made me laugh- happily. What a great mental image. You guys do sound like you know how to generate happiness.
I think you either generate happiness or you generate something else.
That's a good way to think about it.
Thanks for the welcome, by the way. I had joined this forum last year, but never had the time to devote to it - distracted by other things. But I've been reading along more lately and am really impressed by the level of conversation and respect, etc... as well as all the interesting people who seem to have congregated here. I hope to be more active in 2007.