Enjoyable books about American history...
I love reading, but am not a big fan of getting bogged down in history. Gerald Ford died tonight, and that ultimately led me to the White House website, where I started reading various biographies of past presidents. That ultimately led to a desire to read about Ameria's past/history in a way that is enjoyable.
My dad has recommended That Dark and Bloody River by Alan Eckert, and on that note, I wanted to start a thread that would hopefully allow others to contribute suggestions of books that dealt with America's history, that are enjoyable to read, and overall "good" books.
A second contribution from me would be Andersonville by MacKinlay Kantor. I haven't read it yet either, but it's another glowing recommendation from dad.
I will likely read one of the two books above, or a suggestion from one of the replies in this thread, next. Regardless, I think it has the potential to turn into a nice thread for people to use as a resource for enjoyable and good books about American history.
Thus, I welcome your recommendations. No guidelines, aside from them being good books that pertain to American history in some way.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.