Zombies Attack!!
Recently, I've completed a zombie movie marathon: Dawn of the Dead (both versions), Shaun of the Dead, City of the Dead, etc.. I've also been reading the books of Max Brooks - The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Max is the son of Mel Brooks, so I assumed his style would be tongue-in-cheek, but not at all. In addition to creating scary alterniverses, he's also a great oral history writer.)
Anyway, invariably such movies and books lead to us hypothesising the dilemma of "Just where to go in the event of a zombie takeover?".
Brooks contends that a shopping mall is one of the worst places to take refuge in as the weight of the zombies at the glass doors would be enough to break through, if nothing else did.
So, what you'll need to consider...
Zombie Strengths:
They're incapable of feeling fear, any kind of emotion or rational thought process (much like my ex). Thus, they can't purposefully prevent an attack on themselves or predict your next move (....nevermind)
They're impervious to any kind of pain and do not need oxygen to stay alive. They can live underwater and in almost any other environment, accept for fire. So, don't take that vacation on a desert island - go to Mt Etna, where you'll be safe.
In this scenario, their bite is 100% fatal - though, not to feed for hunger's sake, but to reproduce the zombie virus that will take over the world. They have excellent eyesight, smell, and can survive anything other than decapitation or the destruction of their brain (note: even maimed zombies can still attack).
In the most recent 'Dawn Of The Dead' they were capable of moving pretty fast. However, in most other zombie movies they're slow and lumbering, so I'll stick with that tendency. Also, in Brooks, the zombie virus is so potent it even kills the microbes that aid decomposition. Whence, zombies can take up to two years to biodegrade, so you'll need to hide for a while.
Their weaknesses:
They're slow (see above), they're incapable of conspiring or strategising or complicated movements (e.g. they cannot climb a ladder, enter your orificies, or even turn a door knob). However, when they reach a dead end, they may clamber over each other, like a Romanian circus act...so, just hibernating in a bunk bed will not save you!!
What you would need:
- A place where there's not a huge number of people (as with any other plague, it will spread quickly in highly populated areas).
- Supplies for at least a year or two.
- A place where you can view the surrounding area to see if they're advancing.
- Accessibility should be restricted, but still allow necessary resources to be reached (eg. Starbucks).
Personally, I think a zombie outbreak would be a good time to become Mormon and move to the salt flats of Utah. In addition to having few people, surely some Mormon church would have years worth of provisions stored...or am I generalising?
Failing that, some type of mansion or office building with boobytrapped staircases and a flat roof where food could be grown, but remote enough that...
Well anyway, where would you go?