I can understand that they would ask for a few volunteers to look for something 'suspicious', but to tell the people that their jobs depended on it just crosses the line.
Anyway, my brother was over today and we talked about it and the home office received 30 calls from customers about the incident and several employees went to upper management already...like 20 minutes after it was over. The people responsible are in a slight bit of trouble, to put it mildly, and management is handling the situation.
kudos. There is already a small story in the paper about it and it struck a nerve with quite a few people.
one thing i didn't mention is that this is in a walmart in a town of about 25K people, not a huge urban area at all, but one that used to have a good downtown area until..well, yeah. so a lot of people love the walmart there for hte cheap goods, while the only people who dislike it were the store owners. most people in the town aren't walmart haters or anything like that, but i think they would have reacted the same way if any store had an incident like that..
i can't believe the police woudl be that lackadaisical about a bank in any store. Heck, i've seen people be surrounded by guards by just joking about robbing a bank within earshot of a worker.