Originally Posted by magictoy
It's statements like that which make others unwilling to provide you with a different perspective.
And it's attitudes like yours that are prevalent in Congress (on both sides), to the benefit of no one.
I believe his statements are what we call "opinions", and it's reactionary "not actually provide any examples of anything you're purporting, but complain anyway" responses like yours that grind conversations to a halt, not promote them.
There are some very good, intelligent people who have cogent arguments for our involvement in Iraq. It is unlikely any of them will be interested in talking to you about them, unless they like hearing the equivalent of the old, "Only things from Texas are steers and queers. Which one are you, boy?"
I am intelligent and can provide great arguments for all kinds of things that are really bad ideas- that doesn't suddenly make them good ideas. People are easily convinced of things
every single day by people of great, good,
and poor intelligence. None of those things are automatically good ideas just because you say they're well-put arguments. People are charmed into giving up money, information, sex, and lots of other things because someone makes what they consider to be a good argument.
For example: whatever indoctrination you've received has obviously stuck well- people can be convinced of almost anything if the argument sounds good enough and is convincingly delivered.
It's called "deception".