haha, good point, shakran.
i dont' think there is anything in the walmart manual about bomb threats, but if there is and it says to send in 13 employees to sweep a store...wow..Either way, i'll get a copy.
Osha is definitely on the list of people to call. The lawyer is mainly to see or know where the legal stance is and whom to ..uhh..well, attack, really. Nobody was really upset that there were 2 police officers, but that the two would give an OK for untrained people to enter a potentially bomb riddled place to do a sweep for explosives... I feel that they should have called qualified people if there were a real threat. I can understand not sending out the force for something like that..heck, i don't think bomb sniffing training is standard for officers. I could be wrong, though.
i think it'll start just over the head of the person ordering employees into the store and go from there. The media connection would not be against walmart so much as against the freaking guy ordering people into a store. and dilbert, where do you work? i could see a policy like that being effective if in a place where you work with a known atmosphere that doesn't change much..could you imagine looking around a walmart that was evacuated quickly leaving buggies everywhere, people's bags everywhere, hundreds of thousands of boxes, bags, containers, etc and send 13 people to effectively search for 'something out of the ordinary'? IIRC< bombs don't tick nor are they in ominous black boxes with flashing lights.