just a quick, happy christmas story, please read :)
Ok, so
my brother works at walmart, has for a while, stocks and helps customers, pretty simple stuff...
so, i got this story today and i think it happened yesterday and i'm just shocked.... a bit..
Long story short, someone called in a bomb threat for the store. They evacuated the store, rushed the employees and customers out until they figure out what's going on. 2 whole policemen come along with a firetruck. The managers talk with the cops and the firemen, then DECIDE TO SEND EMPLOYEES IN TO LOOK FOR A BOMB!!!
i'm not kidding, 13 people, mostly hourly employees and a couple of dep't heads GO INTO A STORE THAT POSSIBLY HAS A BOMB bc management tells them to or they risk losing their jobs. My brother was one of these people ordered into the store. i'm not kidding... I wish i were. He dumbassedly (i love that word) goes into the store with the others and they search around, find nothing and evidently, it's a hoax. I'm not kidding here, 13 untrained people looking through thousands of square feet of area for a bomb that could be ANYTHING...
i'm so livid about hearing that they would be ordered in by management and that this would be approved by the cops and firemen on the scene....
I just don't know what to do and i'm honestly thinking of contacting a lawyer. All of the people at the scene needlessly endangered the lives of the employees at that store...I just can't believe the management there would send in EMPLOYEES TO LOOK FOR BOMBS..and that the officers would allow it.
Anyway, any advice on where to go from here?