Originally Posted by Martian
I've been thinking of getting myself a pipe to smoke. I've cut back on my cigarette consumption drastically and I think I could see myself enjoying the richer flavour of pipe tobacco.
You will definately get a better flavor with pipe tobacco, much as the tobacco is better in cigars than cigarettes. Also, you look cool, so that's a bonus.
Originally Posted by Martian
I've been told that corncob is best for a beginning smoker, but I've also heard that they can have a negative impact on the flavour and that a briar pipe, though more expensive, is the better option.
Any pipe smokers out there who can make some recommendations? What about tobacco? Any particular brands worth checking out? Any other tips?
I'm a cigar man (once every few months), but I've had some experience with pipes. Corn cob pipes are cheap and simple, but they are kinda like the black and mild of the pipe world. I'd suggest you start with brairwood and then experiment after you get used to it (the taste is better, imho). What was your favorite brand of cigarette? That might help to determine your taste preference.