I've recommended that you take an intro course to legal reasoning before you embark on these kinds of threads. absent that, I'd wish you would at least research the terms you're using...and lay them out in the thread.
I've asked a couple times before so it's evident you can't or won't be doing so and our conversation is pretty much at a standstill.
AFAIK, due process of LAW comes from our English legal roots and, like all legal rights, are protected in a COURT. This isn't my simple-minded acceptance of such matters, but the way our legal and government system has operated for its entire existence and wouldn'tcha know it, the system that predates it from which it derives its authority.
I'm sure it stings, but the BATFE didn't create a "new law" when the agency decided to classify a bump-firing mechanism as a conversion kit. I'm still at a loss though how the original post and points turn into a referendum on gun control. like I said before, this was a pretext to flame one particular agency, not discuss how agencies in general run afoul of our due process clause.
but if it makes you happy, I'll concede that this one agency violates my personal rights of due process in the regard of owning a mechanism that converts my shotgun into a worthless, albeit fun, apparatus that can't hit the broad side of a barn. I can live with that as long as I can live with having inspected meat, poultry, and dairy products--which affects me far more profoundly and directly on a day to day basis.
sorry that you don't see it that way, but to be honest, since y'all are waxing poetic on the joys of democracy, the majority is with me on this one so you'll just have to suck it up. and I suppose that's pretty much where I'll have to leave this discussion.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman