Originally Posted by loquitur
Back in the 1930s a bunch of people tried to have regulatory agencies found unconstitutional, as delegations of power that aren't amenable to democratic control. They were viewed as libertarian cranks, and the "enlightened" ranks of liberals who were going to save the world using the government rammed their program through.
The rest is history.
See this is where some people just like to blame "liberals" but don't know the facts.
The fact is that a vast majority of regulatory agencies were started before FDR. Many in the later 1800's and most were given power by GOP presidents such as Teddy Roosevelt. So it's bullshit to claim it is just one side.
In the 30's they may have fought them, but we were in a Depression and folks were probably told much the same then as they are today, "Red Tape, government beaureucracy, etc." But, not many complained as water was protected, as food was inspected, as health departments made sure restaurants served good edible food and prevented massive outbreaks of disease, as the government made sure the drugs released were tested to do what they were prescribed to do, or that housing became fair and you paid the same rent as your neighbor in an apartment complex, or that if you have a slum lord you have a chance to file grievences and be heard, or that employment is fair and so on.
As for the OP, we do need to make our voices heard and make sure our rights are protected. But I don't think the government really has to worry about using agencies when they can scare people to vote for smoking bans, trans fat bans, and so on. The government and media raise fear enough on a certain subject they can get the majority to vote for anything, up to and including taking rights away.... oooo sorry, nothing is a "right" anymore they are all "priveleges" that the government can regulate and take away.