Originally Posted by willravel
The police department broke the law and any and all evidence collected is inadmissable. It's an open and shut case for the defence, who can bring a brilliantly easy lawsuit against these idiot police who have never read the Bill of Rights.
Maybe you missed this part.
Mr. Ruttenberg's Section 1983 suit (This is supposedly a section that the american citizen can use to petition for redress of grievance, that pesky 1st amendment to the constitution) was dismissed yesterday by a federal judge. Apparently the judge granted a blanket motion to dismiss by all defendants named in the suit, all of whom cited the qualified immunity granted to public employees.
So what does one have left, if the courts, the supposed last bastion of the protectors of american rights and freedom, have????
Originally Posted by willravel
If nothing happens, you have my permission to start an insurgency.
hmmm, this sounds pretty sarcastic, which could lead me to believe that you truly don't care that this guy was wronged, that you think it wholly appropriate that the force of a local governments law enforcement agency was brought to bear upon a person who broke no law. Will you JOIN in the insurgency?