My problem with all of this is far larger. Yes we have the problem where it is subjective which landmark is historical and deserving of funds from the governement. . . BUT
The larger issue here is why do we need to depend on the governement for this kind of thing at all? Why not have private sources get together to support this type of thing if it is important to us? Yes, our history is a public good and it is difficult to evenly distrubute the costs over those who benefit from it. I know that there are folks who care about this sort of thing (myself included) who would be happy to donate time and money to fixing things like this up and preserving them for future generations.
Instead of filtering through many levels of government where only 10% of the money that went in came out (the other 90% goes to "running" the governement) lets just give our own time and money to preserving these things ourselves.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.