When I was in my teens and early 20s, I was the school slut. By that, I mean I was the girl who had a reputation for being easy and this pissed off the other girls, though I'm not quite sure why, as I was really only hurting myself by sleeping with any guy who would have me.
The thing is, even though it was true, that I did sleep around, that the label was more or less accurate, it didn't take any of the sting away from it. I put up a facade of apathy, but it hurt more to hear the things the other girls would say because I knew they were true.
This is part of the reason I now take such care to have an understated stylish appearance whenever I go out. I want to look nice, to be classy, the opposite of how I looked and behaved when I was younger so that I don't invite the same judgments I got then. I have somewhat short skirts, but nothing like the micros that you see on a lot of young women and teen girls today, and I make sure my top reaches all the way to my skirt. I wear full makeup every time I leave the house, but, except for parties, it's understated, meant to conceal flaws and enhance the better parts of my appearance rather than call attention to the makeup itself.
It's also why I was somewhat strict with Sissy when she was a teen, making sure she didn't go to school or out on a date dressed in a way that would invite such judgments from others. She's a lot smarter and a lot more centered than I was, and always has been, so it was less of an issue with her. I do still worry sometimes, but she's an adult now and doesn't really dress any differently from the other 21 year olds on campus, maybe even a little less provocatively in general. I'd like to think that's at least partly due to Grace's and my influence.
I'm not really happy with the culture of sexualization that is going on today with today's young women, but I'm not really in much position to do anything about it other than to serve as an example, for what little that's worth coming from a woman in her thirties, and to try to teach my sister how valuable she is as a person first, and that very little of that value comes from what others think of her as a sexual being.
Most of all, I'm glad she's not like me.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert