Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I understand what you're saying little tippler, but not liking someone's clothing choice is not exactly the same thing. I don't like those clothes, either. I don't wear them and I don't think they look good. In fact, I have a virtual personal crusade against Bratz dolls because I think they encourage girls to pursue a superficial, oversexualized persona. BUT, this is the world that we live in. Young women are given mixed messages and a plethora of bad choices to indulge in. But I think it is mean-spirited and wrong and reactionary to call a person's character into question for choosing them. I think it would behoove forward-thinking people to try and check that impulse and offer a little more understanding. That's all....but I'll shut up now.
Nope, I'm not shutting up yet...I just want to add one more thing.
There is an appropriate time to call a woman a slut...when she wants to be called one.
That is all.
Ha ha. My sister and I decided a couple years ago to take back the word "slut". We now only use it to describe women who are comfortable with their sexualities, which of course means we call each other sluts all the time.