I can recommend Mindfulness in Plain English. There's an online version of it <a href="http://www.budsas.org/ebud/mfneng/mind0.htm">here</a> It's sort of a guidebook on Vipassana meditation. It's not theoretical in any way--it tells you how, when and where to meditate. You'll learn the tips of the icebergs of Buddhist thought, and get sent off to do the initial work. Which is itself a crucial element of Buddhism--there are no tenets of faith or things to believe. There are principles which are best explored and discovered by the individual practitioner on his or her own.
Also, for a super-brief run-down of the teachings of the Buddah and the history of Buddhism, read <a href="http://www.budsas.org/ebud/ebdha030.htm">this</a>.
Last edited by ratbastid; 12-21-2006 at 01:22 PM..