I'd think that if someone has decided to video you without you knowing it, it's going to be done. So you'd have to be with people that you have some measure of trust in, or in an environment that you controlled completely. Naturally I'd advocate doing this with people you know at least a little, and trust at least a little--unless, I suppose, the "total stranger" aspect is part of the fantasy.
I think that in ideal circumstances, doing this with friends of some level would be the best (and hottest, *giggle*). But that's just me, probably involving some of my femininity--I think it's more satistfying to share sexual experiences with someone you have some sort of connection with, although this wouldn't be as intimate as direct sex (lol!), but it's still a sexual experience.
Now you've got me thinking about sex with strangers in a room vs. sex with (certain) friends in the room, and they both have positives and negatives--and I'm getting very distracted!
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath.
At night, the ice weasels come." -
Matt Groening
My goal? To fulfill my potential.