Thread: Gaining Weight
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Old 12-21-2006, 01:32 AM   #11 (permalink)
StephenSa's Avatar
Location: Dallas, Texas
In a way, you're lucky in that most of my clients want to lose weight, some want/need to lose almost as much as you weigh total! I work as a personal trainer, I have certifications from the Cooper Institute in personal training and Biomechanics and an OPT cert. from the National Acadamy of Sports Medicine. Really all that means is that I have some idea of what I'm talking about. Without seeing you in person I can't really assess what you might need to do but I'll try to give you some general guidelines. Bottom line is you need to keep track of your caloric in and outtake. 3500 calories equals one pound. In other words, if you ingest 3500 more calories in a given period than you burn, then you will gain a pound of weight. If you burn 3500 more calories than you ingest then you will lose a pound. From what what little info I have about you, you sound like a hard gainer, (I have clients that would KILL to be you!).What others have said is true, you need protein to build muscle. That protein will turn into amino acids to repair and build lean muscle tissue. Take a good whey protein shake before and after your work out. Also, if you are doing a lot of cardio,. you should cut back. To gain mass you want to warm up with 10 minutes of cardio at most before you weight train. Since you are thin and a hard gainer, don't be afraid of carbs., I'm not telling you to down donuts but since you want to gain weight and mass anyway tossing in some brown rice, adding potatos and cheese, and a big honking steak with some fat here and there is na' a bad idea. Big muscle needs calories and protein/amino acids. Work hard in the gym and get lots of protein, plus a little fat and carbs for energy. Fish is good for protein and omega 3 oils, nuts are good for this as well. Red meat has a lot of protein and at your bodyweight/fat percentage enjoy some fat as well, just don't over do it. Take a multivitamin daily, take whey protein 1/2 an hour before and 1/2 hour after your weight training. Again, training by internet is far from an exact science but these are my suggestions. My biggest suggestion is to ask around the gym at which you train. I'm sure there are people there that would be glad to help you out. Good luck!
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