I auditioned for a band in Switzerland/Liechtenstein a couple months ago. Sent in a CD of mine, plus recordings I did of 3 of their songs. They were looking to replace their singer who had tragically died. here is the email I got from them yesterday:
Dear Meliesa,
First of all, we would like to thank you for your interest in singing with ELIS band.
We were pleased as well as quite surprised receiving so many candidatures therefore we apologize for replying late.
The last time we had many things which had to be discussed before we could see all the e-mails and letters. Please note that we thoroughly looked at each candidature and can report that there are many terrific singers. It was very difficult to find a decision.
To your candidature :
We are thinking that your voice sounds great and we recognized quickly that you completed intensive courses. In short, the most suitable singer for our band. Even though your German language should be improved a little bit we had really pleasure in listening your songs. Congratulations !
As you can imagine we play once a week and sometimes determined spontaneously.
We are feeling like a big family and are working close to each other.
Due to the long distance to your home you would not be available within an acceptable time.
This would create a big problem for us therefore we regret to send our negative decision.
We are very sorry to inform that we have not interest in working with you.
Nevertheless, it would be great to meet you on stage somewhere in the world. Once again, we thank you for your trouble and hope to get your understanding.
ELIS wishes you all the best for the future !
Please also accept our wishes for the coming festive season.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2007.
ELIS band
Pete, Tom, Max, Chris
December 19, 2006

tell me I am the ideal singer in one sentence, then dash my hopes in the next? here is the reply I sent:
Christian... my heart skipped a beat when I read that you really enjoyed my demo... If I were to agree to find a way to move to your area of the world, would your decision change? I do have marketable skills for working outside the band, provided a work permit could be arranged. Please do not underestimate my desire to work with your band.
Let me know... If you feel I am the singer you want, we can find a way to make it work.
Warmest regards and highest hopes,
They are a smaller band on the verge of breaking big, so they all still have day jobs. I am willing to work as well. Now I wait to see if this influences their decision at all.

I imagine that IF they are going to reply, it will be in the next couple of days.
Their myspace is
I still have an audition floating around for Nightwish as well, but I don't expect I'll hear back from them.
This has been both wonderful and disappointing.. I made the top 5 for Therion's tour, and it seems I was the top choice for Elis aside from geography.