I have had some interesting debates with some people in these threads. Ace, Stevo... they gave their point of view I would give mine and in the end, we both learned something and whether they admit it or not, I usually saw a middle ground where if we put away our differences and truly worked together for the purpose of betterment, we might actually get somewhere.
RB has a point to some degree, this is just a "forum" where we are just faceless. However, my belief is that if Stevo and I or Ace and I (usually 2 polar opposites) can come to understand each other; without having to insult, call names, pull out dictionaries and encyclopedias; then we accomplished something.
And if we can accomplish something in this little slice of our realities, we maybe able to convey what we learned to others we talk to and get more people to see compromises and middle grounds (sometimes more to the right sometimes more to the left politically) they can speak up and maybe in the end some politicians start listening.
I tend to believe that while the bullshit partisan politics, hatred, "elitism" and so on start at the top of BOTH parties, the positive changes have to come from the grass roots, and that simply put is us.
RB, be as full of hate, one sided, "I'm better than you and my way of thinking is the only way" and allow your own hatred and self righteousness destroy you.
To answer you as for "do I think I know RB?"
I never laid claim that I knew you, nor do I want to know you. Have no desire to. I, personally, do not believe you have anything positive to add into my life based on your posts here. Doesn't mean you are a bad person or whatever, just means I don't think we'd truly have anything in common and I find you too one sided and unwilling to see someone else's point of view.
I look at my posts when I first joined and I see immense growth, I see that in many others also. And they (I) post/posted to seem to learn from each other and provide rational discourse as they (I) grew.
Yet, I also see some who hold onto hate, self righteous, hate mongering bs, who seem to post just to stir the pot up, to flame, to pass off superiority over others. And these people have destroyed this board, taken politics and attitudes to other threads and have hurt TFP and destroyed politics here.
It can be rebuilt, but people get tired of the negativity. They jump online to avoid stress and being attacked for what they believe and post.
Some can say that is what I am doing.... maybe, but in my mind I am simply stating what I see and believe. My opinion, right or wrong it is mine and mine only.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"