Originally Posted by aberkok
That's just one style, and it's closer to the one I generally choose, but there's room for far more elaborate posts...especially on a forum like this.
As Willravel put so well, attacking host's posting style tends to reveal more about the person (not) reading it than it does about host himself.
Aberkok, I certainly wasn't intending to attack host. Host, I'm sorry if you or others read it that way. What happened was simply that someone else was commenting on short attention spans, and I was responding to that in terms of what I try to do when I post . Look, host, you do a lot of work for your posts and believe me, I'm not criticizing you for it. If anything, you deserve credit for the effort.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
There is a middle way. And when you're in the middle it becomes obvious that from one's former position on the far right or left it is impossible to open yourself up to multi-hued complexity of reality because you are so busy trying to make all available information conform to your pre-conceived notion of it.
Precisely -- and well put. The best way to avoid letting yourself become doctrinaire is to do a <I><B>lot</i></b> of reading, from a lot of sources. Also to read history - not just your own country's but other countries' too. Sadly, we homo sapiens as a group often make the same mistakes over and over again.