Originally Posted by mexicanonabike
predictable!! wow. This was a bad movie! all the jokes revolve around farts, hitting or getting hit and a few sex jokes. lame. I think Adam Sandler should stop making movies right now because they're always the same. This COULD have been a good story but it fell for the old predictable lame " falls asleep, wake up and do awesome story and then wake up again and notice it was all a dream and now my life is changed" story. it's a good example of what bad writers do when they can't find an ending. "oh i know! let's make him wake up and it was all a dream! that will be a good twist!" bleh. sorry for the spoilers but i don't want you wasting your money on this.
3/10 just because the remote was cool and Kate Beckinsale was in it.
Actually, you're not really ruining anything there because anyone who watches the movie is going to be able to predict it from the get go. I saw Click, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't hold its predictability against it because it wasn't trying to be unpredictable. It's not that kind of a movie at all. The end (him waking up) was not the important part of the ending at all.
Also, that's funny that you mention that about the jokes because I thought the best part of the movie was Terry Crews singing Working for the Weekend. I mean, the man has an amazing voice. I was personally pissed when Sandler muted him. Strangely enough, that wasn't a fart, hitting or getting hit, or sex joke.