Originally Posted by dc_dux
Ace..your "inconvenient truth" (?) about the Iraq resolution and creation/evolution once again avoids the issue presented in the OP and the subsequent evidence from the House Committee Dem report and the Union of Concerned Scientists of manipulation and suppression of scientific studies by the executive branch of the government.
What do you suggest done about it?
Accept it, because you like Bush's "in your face" approach and others in the past did it also, but more "deceptively"?
Investigate it through the proper channel envisioned in the Constitution (see the separation of powers and the role of Congress)?
Or perhaps, you have another solution?
There is nothing to investigate.
People in general and legislators in paticular need to do their homework before not after making policy decisions. If a policy maker believes the globe is warming they should act accordingly. If prosective policy makers beleive the globe is warming they should run on that platform, presenting their plan. People are smart enough to make informed choices.