Mages actually got buffed in terms of their ability to output damage. What really got nerfed was rage generation, which makes front end aggro much touchier on most boss fights, and, I suppose, aggro in general much touchier.
Nef is easy, that's about all there is to it. The tough part of the fight is knowing how to tank/dps/control the drakonids. There are more than enough strategies out there now that it's not much of a hurdle for most guilds to learn in a few passes and take him down. Vael and Razor are by far the hardest parts of BWL. Once they're on farm status, the rest of the zone is pretty much a loot pinata.
I'm getting the horrifying feeling that I'm going to go into xpac with 7/9 tier 3, unless the xpac gets pushed back. I'm lacking legs and won't really be able to play again until sometime in mid January. And I can all but guarantee we won't be running the zone after BC hits. That would suck. Oh well, so it goes.