predictable!! wow. This was a bad movie! all the jokes revolve around farts, hitting or getting hit and a few sex jokes. lame. I think Adam Sandler should stop making movies right now because they're always the same. This COULD have been a good story but it fell for the old predictable lame " falls asleep, wake up and do awesome story and then wake up again and notice it was all a dream and now my life is changed" story. it's a good example of what bad writers do when they can't find an ending. "oh i know! let's make him wake up and it was all a dream! that will be a good twist!" bleh. sorry for the spoilers but i don't want you wasting your money on this.
3/10 just because the remote was cool and Kate Beckinsale was in it.
Last edited by MexicanOnABike; 12-19-2006 at 12:11 AM..
Reason: typos