Originally Posted by shakran
Nope, doesn't work. Sorry  How do you explain severely retarded people? What benefit do they get from being unable to grasp the benefits?
I meant in the case of Abraham (or Jonus, Jesus?, Matthew, John, Jobe, etc.). Biblical stuff.
Originally Posted by shakran
An all powerful god can bestow the same end conditions (enlightened state) without torturing his subjects.
Hardship builds character, and that's according to the rules God set when he created the human psychi...if you believe in such things.
Originally Posted by shakran
Exactly my point. God supposedly designs us with brains that can reason and then says we must not reason, rather accept everything on faith and do whatever he supposedly tells us even though there's no reasonable explanation for it. That simply doesn't make sense. If god wanted a race of enlightened beings, then he's going about it the wrong way. Enlightened beings are capable of thinking for themselves and critically analyzing facts to reach their conclusion. Following the bible demands the exact opposite. It simply doesn't make sense.
That's why I left the faith.
Originally Posted by shakran
Or you're a total psychopath and/or idiot who puts the demands of a cruel, twisted being above the welfare of your children.
That's why I used the label religous fanatic. No reaosnable person could kill their own son at the request of a figment of their imagination. That takes the type of devotion that any church seeks out, but any reasonable person would dismiss as madness.