Originally Posted by analog
She is very, very fortunate. Take that as an extra "good", don't read the extreme nature of her survival as a negative. Recovering from such a close call should be celebrated more so, it shouldn't make you sadder or fearful. Be extra happy that she was saved at the right time, and you were there to be with her.
I asked her if she pulled this stunt to get extra-great x-mas gifts.
To be serious though, it does scare me a bit how when she told me about the pains on Saturday, and I just said, "Oh, wow, you OK?" and we went on (she's often having inexplicible stomach pains)...we didn't of course know what was going on, we just continued with our days. Our mom was the one who took her to task over it, making her promise to call 911 if that happened again, etc. I feel likeI should have known better, I should have told her that.
I tend to be a stoic. You have pain, you deal with it. Don't make a fuss, don't call negative attention to yourself (positive attention is fine, lol!). Don't over-react and be a drama queen and call an ambulance...obviously, that's not the best attitude to have all the time. But my mom and sister both tend to be over-dramatic (if you think *I'm* dramatic, watch out for them! LOL), and a bit hyperchondriac-tic (??sp?wtf?) so I don't take them seriously. And if my sister had only my advice/input to rely on last weekend, she'd be dead right now.
So that upsets me.
But I know it's not all about me, I'm not the only one to be keeping people alive here, and now I have another experience to use to evaluate future events with. I'm just so grateful that it turned out as well as it did!