i saw this a few days ago, off a different site that doesnt allow comments. I immediately thought something was up. why does the tape scramble when Dr. phil says to stop the tape? (nice how jpmck03 points out its before) Wouldnt the tape just stop and cut to Dr. Phil?
I (un)fortunately goto school and have a job so I don't get to watch Dr. Phil too much, but does anyone know if this was actually aired on TV?
It seems to me that if Dr. Phil was so disgusted by this he would have not aired this and a re-run would have happened.
I used to watch bumfights quite a few years ago. I didnt know it was still around or getting publicity. I downloaded it though, and everyone else I know did the same. I'm curious as too how much this guy has actually made with his bumfights videos. I don't know if i've have ever seen it in a video store to buy or rent.
I want to hear the opinion who this Dr. Phil is in the right in this. (that's worded badly, I just cant think of a better way right now)