Bit of a threadjack here sorry...
Originally Posted by shesus
Wow, a lot of people feel they are qualified to teach, but just need a piece of paper I love how that thinking works...which is why people say that we're overpaid...anyone can do it.
I used to think I'd love to teach but in truth I wouldnt. After a while I'd come to hate it.
Instead I started volunteering with highschool kids, lets me get out the urge to teach and share knowledge without it becoming a job. This way I can do it because it's something I enjoy not something that pays the bills.
A few years ago many of the volunteers (myself included) had issues with the people that were running things and started to hate it. If it were a job then I would have to worry about if I leave then how will I pay the bills, etc. Being a volunteer thing let me just walk away for a while.
Originally Posted by filtherton
I'd like to quit smoking.
Then do it. Believe me I know it sounds hard but I'm almost 5 months smoke free and feel so much better for it. If you really want to quit make a plan, do some research and then just do it.
End threadjack...
I'd like to go back to school. When I first went to college I was in the wrong program and dropped out after a year and a half. I had always intended to go back but then I got a job that pays well and is all and all a pretty decent one. I've looked at going back and starting to take classes but I've never followed through with it.