I have one, but it's a Christmas gift for my nephew, so I haven't cracked it open and given it a go.
Not to say that I won't be swinging like a wild-man on Ritalin come Christmas day, but for now...nothing.
It's easier around here to grab a PS3 than it was getting my hands on a Wii. I'm within driving distance of about half a dozen Wal*Mart stores. At every story, the Wii shipments have been semi-regular, albeit small. So, they sell out quickly. I had to get up at 5:00 a.m. drive half an hour and wait in line for a couple of hours to get #5 in a shipment of 9 consoles.
For shits and giggles I called the same set of stores about a PS3--the good package, not the marginally crippled package. Half of the them have "a couple on the shelf."
No signature. None. Seriously.