Fortunately our business continues to go quite well so we try to liberalize policies to help employees deal with work life. A few years ago we changed from "sick days + vacation days" to simply "PTO" personal time off days, to be used for sick, personal, or vacation at employees' discretion. It seems to be working quite well, except that I have a hard time using them all up since thankfully I don't get sick much.
1st quarter hire: 20 days
2nd qtr hire: 12 days
3rd qtr hire: 7 days
4th qtr hire: Oct. hire 4 days; Nov. hire 3 days; Dec. hire 2 days
Years of Service:
less than 6 yrs: 20 days
6 thru 10 yrs: 25 days
11 thru 14 yrs: 30 days
15 thru 24 yrs: 35 days
On a less related note we have this notice posted:
Due to increased competition, cost escalation and our keen desire to stay in Business, management has deemed necessary a change to your terms of employment. It will now be compulsory to do something called work in between tea breaks, coffee breaks, smoking breaks, lunch breaks, toilet breaks, etc. Management intends to call this "the work break".