I like two of his songs. Of all the rap that I have on my computer, his stuff is probably in 14th place in number of times played. (I like ITunes that way as it tracks how many times a song is played.)
He gave Elton John a hug after his duet with him. So he seems like a reformed homophobe, so that's good.
8 Mile was a so so film. But worth to see it for free probably even though it probably has no reality basis. I thought for sure that 8 Mile would be something I would hate, but I checked it out of the library and I watched it all. I liked Ludacris in the movie Crash much better. But a lot of lyrics mean nothing to me since I grew up in white bread Idaho, but rap is mostly inner city stuff and probably is mostly true to life.
"We are sure to be losers when we quarrel with
ourselves. It is a civil war, and in all such
contentions, triumphs are defeats." Mr Colton