I work in a union environment, so our sick/annual benefits are pretty good.
A new worker starts aquiring sick and annual (vacation) time from day one. However, they cannot use annual time for a one full year.
Sick time is accrued at the rate of 3.2 hours per pay period, which is every two weeks. Our contract stipulates that a worker is allowed 7 sick occasions per fiscal year. After that, however, sick time can be used but a doctors slip is required, as long as you have sick time available to use. A doctors slip is also required if you are out more than 3 days at a time, no matter how many occasions you have used.
Annual time is accrued at different rates, depending on seniority. I have been at the city for over 5 years, so I get 6.2 hours per pay period. There is no limit on annual time use, as long as it is pre-approved by your supervisor, and you have the time available.
The other good benefit is you get one "emergency annual" occasion per year. This means you can use annual time for whatever you want, without pre-approval. This is good for the flat tire, car accident, car won't start, hangover, etc. We refer to it as the "get out of jail free' card.