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Old 12-13-2006, 11:18 AM   #4 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Seaver
I don't exactly know what these two articles have in common other than a sophomoric "report" from CNN which never should have been printed.

So this reporter does not like the fact that the military does not appreciate the defeatism spread through the press since day one. Do you not remember the "Quagmire: Iraq" headlines when the fastest advance in the history of mankind was slowed down by a dust storm? After 3 years the military stops trusting these reporters who dreams at night of writing a news report with as much impact on the world as Cronkite (sp?) did in Vietnam when he managed to turn an absolute victory (Tet Offensive) into the worst defeat since Pearl.

If CNN was actually interested in "attacking" Obama, they would not bother with his middle name but his politics. They would attack him for saying things which imply that Republicans wouldn't vote for him because they are racist.

I don't mind Obama, he's an outstanding public speaker. I just get extremely upset how if I don't vote for him it's because of skin color, when in reality I could care less.
Seaver, my premise for this thread is not difficult to understand. I am putting forward, for suspicion that it is the overreaction of folks who voted for, and support the politicians who originated and prosecuted the GWOT....the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the eroding of our former constitutional rights of protections against intrusion by our government, against invasion of our privacy, false imprisonment, incarceration without a hearing before a judge, access to an attorney, etc....that have, ironically, made us, and the rest of the woirld. much less safe.

Further...I am saying that, if you get "your news" from partisan outlets, instead of from corporate media, you are much more inclined to believe what you posted.....that the "military" was a "victim", of three years of adverse media coverage.

It is more accurate, Seaver to assess what we now know....the US activity in the GWOT has eliminated Iran's two arch enemies, on two of its' borders...
Saddam's Iraq, and the Taleban in Afghanistan. Saddam effectively provided checks against shi'a and kurdish ambition, and hemmed in Iran, with much less bloodshed than the US military has managed, even after he was weakened by the first gulf war. In May, 2001, the US paid the Taleban $70 million to reimburse Afghani farmers, after the opium crop was eradicated by the Taleban.

The US overreacted after 9/11, and if the articles below, about Cheney and the Saudis are an indication, the M.E. is on the threshhold of an escalated, international shi's vs. Sunni civil war, with Iran much strenghtened by the US failings of the last four years.

Seaver the US military did not wait three years to protest news media coverage about it's endeavors...if only you could be moved, not just by a few days of coverage of a "sandstorm induced quagmire", stressed probably by one of the alternative media sources that you rely on for "news", but by the record of the concerted propaganda efforts of the US military, beginning at least by 9/11, and continuing until today. If only John Rendon, the Lincoln Group, and the staged Jessica Lynch rescue by US SOF could register with you, in proportion to their, scope, expense, influence, and the damage that they do to US military credibility, maybe you could better understand what this thread is about.

Just as there is no "liberal media bias", there is no "terror", to wage "war", by the US if it were an opposing army, sponsored by a competing sovereign state.

These ideas, are all "in your head", and the cost and blowback of believing them and acting against them, is costing the rest of us, tremendously,and needlessly. Read the LA & NY Times, the WAPO, Time and Newsweek, watch CNN, fact check on the internet....and you will become....more !!!!

....and you will be RIGHT...much more often, you will back less extreme will become less militant, more suspicious of your government, you will back no pre-emptive invasions, and more of your predictions about the outcomes of political issues, will come to pass.....

Is the news media reporting, Seaver, more out of synch with your point of view, or of mine and Robert Gates.....because the "liberal media", Gates, and host, all believe that the US is not winning the war in Iraq....quite a spectacle, after more than 40 months....the most powerful military in the history of the world is unable to contain an insurgency in Iraq.

....and you, Seaver? Do you really believe that the military has patiently endured unfounded media reporting for three years...or that the "media", and the "liberals" are the problem? You will only find that story line where you get your "news" is a ridiculous premise, when the post 9/11 decisions of the white house and the pentagon, and their outcomes, are fully examined.

....and the "media is liberal", noise machine....will weaken, and without it's audience of faithful believers, finally diminish to a whisper.....

Think of it, no more $700 billion annual military/intelligence budgets, no more dead, maimed, and shellshocked US troops and dead civilians in pre-empted, war shattered more Saudi threats of backing the insurgents that our aggressive government created......

.......Publics relations work in the war on terror

The San Jose Mercury News reported in October 2001 that the Pentagon had awarded Rendon a four-month, $397,000 contract to handle PR aspects of U.S. military strikes in Afghanistan. Rendon and Pentagon officials declined to discuss details of the firm's work, which included monitoring international news media, conducting focus groups and recommending "ways the US military can counter disinformation and improve its own public communications." All of which can be found in public Contracts between The Rendon Group and the Department of Defense.

The New York Times reported in February 2002 that the Pentagon was using the Rendon Group to assist its new propaganda agency, the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) Of which it only consulted The Rendon Group. However, the OSI was publicly disbanded following a backlash when Pentagon officials said the new office would engage in "black" propaganda (disinformation) which The Rendon Group was not part of.[5][6]

In December, 2005, the Chicago Tribune reported that the Rendon Group in 2004 received $1.4 million to help Afghan President Hamid Karzai with media relations. According to the paper, after seven months Karzai and Zalmay Khalilzad, then the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, were ready to get rid of the company. Despite the lack of support from Karzai and the ambassador, the company received another $3.9 million for anti-drug programs from the State Department and not the department of Defense. The paper quoted Jeff Raleigh, who helped oversee Rendon in Kabul for the U.S. Embassy, as saying the contract was "a rip-off of the U.S taxpayer". Later Jeff Raleigh's Afghan supervisor said Jeff wanted full control of The Rendon Group and was out of his bound. Furthermore the same official, Ambassador Daod, in a signed letter said that The Rendon Group did a great job and really helped his office. [7].....
Last Updated: Thursday, 15 May, 2003, 08:50 GMT 09:50 UK

Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed'

By John Kampfner

......Jessica amnesia

"There was no [sign of] shooting, no bullet inside her body, no stab wound - only road traffic accident. They want to distort the picture. I don't know why they think there is some benefit in saying she has a bullet injury."

Witnesses told us that the special forces knew that the Iraqi military had fled a day before they swooped on the hospital.

"We were surprised. Why do this? There was no military, there were no soldiers in the hospital," said Dr Anmar Uday, who worked at the hospital.

"It was like a Hollywood film. They cried 'go, go, go', with guns and blanks without bullets, blanks and the sound of explosions. They made a show for the American attack on the hospital - action movies like Sylvester Stallone or Jackie Chan."

There was one more twist. Two days before the snatch squad arrived, Harith had arranged to deliver Jessica to the Americans in an ambulance.

But as the ambulance, with Private Lynch inside, approached a checkpoint American troops opened fire, forcing it to flee back to the hospital. The Americans had almost killed their prize catch.

Some brave souls put their lives on the line to make this happen
General Vincent Brooks

When footage of the rescue was released, General Vincent Brooks, US spokesman in Doha, said: "Some brave souls put their lives on the line to make this happen, loyal to a creed that they know that they'll never leave a fallen comrade.".....

Posted on Wed, Nov. 30, 2005
U.S. military pays Iraqis for positive news stories on war
By Jonathan S. Landay
Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Army officers have been secretly paying Iraqi journalists to produce upbeat newspaper, radio and television reports about American military operations and the conduct of the war in Iraq.

U.S. officials in Washington said the payments were made through the Baghdad Press Club, an organization they said was created more than a year ago by U.S. Army officers. They are part of an extensive American military-run information campaign -- including psychological warfare experts -- intended to build popular support for U.S.-led stabilization efforts and erode support for Sunni Muslim insurgents.

Members of the Press Club are paid as much as $ 200 a month, depending on how many positive pieces they produce.

Under military rules, information operations are restricted to influencing the attitudes and behavior of foreign governments and people. One form of information operations -- psychological warfare -- can use doctored or false information to deceive or damage the enemy or to bolster support for American efforts.

Many military officials, however, said they were concerned that the payments to Iraqi journalists and other covert information operations in Iraq had become so extensive that they were corroding the effort to build democracy and undermining U.S. credibility in Iraq. They also worry that information in the Iraqi press that's been planted or paid for by the U.S. military could "blow back" to the American public.

Eight current and former military, defense and other U.S. officials in Baghdad and Washington agreed to discuss the payments to Iraqi reporters and other American military information operations because they fear that the efforts are promoting practices that are unacceptable for a democracy. They requested anonymity to avoid retaliation.

"We are teaching them (Iraqi journalists) the wrong things," one military officer said.

Moreover, the defense and military officials said, the U.S. public is at risk of being influenced by the information operations because what's planted in the Iraqi media can be picked up by international news organizations and Internet bloggers.

"There is no 'local' media anymore. All media is potentially international. The Web makes it all public. We need to ... eliminate the idea that psychological operations and information operations can issue any kind of information to the media ever. Period," said a senior military official in Baghdad who has knowledge of American psychological operations in Iraq.

Finally, military and defense officials said, the more extensive the information operations, the more likely they'll be discovered, thereby undermining the credibility of the U.S. armed forces and the American government.

"It's a culture of being loose with the truth. We'd better stop it or we are going to end up like we did in Vietnam," said a senior U.S. defense official in Washington. "The problem is if you get caught, it destroys everything, and they don't realize the collateral damage potential."

Spokesmen for the American command in Iraq and for the Tampa, Fla.-based U.S. Central Command, which has overall responsibility for American military operations in the Middle East, said they had no immediate comment.

Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, said, "We're looking into this issue . . . to ascertain all of the facts."

On Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld hailed what he called the country's "free media," saying they were acting as "a relief valve" through which Iraqis have been engaging in democratic debate and dialogue.

The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday that the U.S. military has been paying Iraqi newspapers to print pro-American stories written by U.S. information operations troops.

A Knight Ridder investigation has found that the American military's information operations have been far more extensive.

In addition to the Army's secret payments to Iraqi newspaper, radio and television journalists for positive stories, U.S. psychological-warfare officers have been involved in writing news releases and drafting media strategies for top commanders, two defense officials said.

On at least one occasion, psychological warfare specialists have taken a group of international journalists on a tour of Iraq's border with Syria, a route used by Islamic terrorists and arms smugglers, one of the officials said.

Usually, these duties are the responsibility of military public-affairs officers.

In Iraq, public affairs staff at the American-run multinational headquarters in Baghdad have been combined with information operations experts in an organization known as the Information Operations Task Force.

The unit's public affairs officers are subservient to the information operations experts, military and defense officials said.

The result is a "fuzzing up" of what's supposed to be a strict division between public affairs, which provides factual information about U.S. military operations, and information operations, which can use propaganda and doctored or false information to influence enemy actions, perceptions and behavior.

Information operations are intended to "influence foreign adversary audiences using psychological operations capabilities," according to a Sept. 27, 2004, memo sent to top American commanders by the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers.

Myers warned that putting public affairs and information operations in the same office had "the potential to compromise the commander's credibility with the media and the public."

The payments to Iraqi journalists originally were intended to nurture a fledgling domestic press corps by rewarding Iraqi journalists who put their lives and the safety of their families at risk by attending U.S. military briefings in the high security Green Zone in Baghdad, where American officials live and work.

"These guys had to take extraordinary risk to cover our stories," said a U.S. military officer in the United States who's familiar with the program.

The effort, however, "has gotten out of hand," said an American military official in Baghdad.

"The Iraqi population doesn't realize that some of the information" they receive from their news media "is bought and paid for by the United States," said the senior defense official in Washington. ........
Official: Saudis to back Sunnis if U.S. leaves Iraq
POSTED: 12:55 p.m. EST, December 13, 2006

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has warned Vice President Dick Cheney that Saudi Arabia would back the Sunnis if the United States pulls out of Iraq, according to a senior American official.

The official said the king "read the riot act" to the vice president when the two met last month in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.....

<b>Saudis Say They Might Back Sunnis if U.S. Leaves Iraq</b>

Published: December 13, 2006

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 — Saudi Arabia has told the Bush administration that it might provide financial backing to Iraqi Sunnis in any war against Iraq’s Shiites if the United States pulls its troops out of Iraq, according to American and Arab diplomats.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia conveyed that message to Vice President Dick Cheney two weeks ago during Mr. Cheney’s whirlwind visit to Riyadh, the officials said. During the visit, King Abdullah also expressed strong opposition to diplomatic talks between the United States and Iran, and pushed for Washington to encourage the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, senior Bush administration officials said.

The Saudi warning reflects fears among America’s Sunni Arab allies about Iran’s rising influence in Iraq, coupled with Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. King Abdullah II of Jordan has also expressed concern about rising Shiite influence, and about the prospect that the Shiite-dominated government would use Iraqi troops against the Sunni population.....

Last edited by host; 12-13-2006 at 11:28 AM..
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