Originally Posted by Lasereth
...why does NO ONE use their turn signal? I live in NC, and I'd say roughly 65-75% of drivers here don't use a turn signal period, in any situation, even with police in plain sight.
Well, I'm all the way down in SC
lasereth, but the problem is still persistant. i was just thinking the exact same thing yesterday - combined with the 'i must be drunk because i'm driving 15 under the limit, and no - i'm not 90' drivers i've been running into. what really irks me is when you're across the intersection from someone, they don't have their blinker on, and are secretly turning left, as your scenario above. you're waiting to turn left, with blinker, they're waiting....and for some reason, they
really want you to go first. they're close enough that you can read facial expressions...and they look like they're about to shit themselves in agony over your idiocy and stubborness for not pulling out. fuckers.