I don't exactly know what these two articles have in common other than a sophomoric "report" from CNN which never should have been printed.
So this reporter does not like the fact that the military does not appreciate the defeatism spread through the press since day one. Do you not remember the "Quagmire: Iraq" headlines when the fastest advance in the history of mankind was slowed down by a dust storm? After 3 years the military stops trusting these reporters who dreams at night of writing a news report with as much impact on the world as Cronkite (sp?) did in Vietnam when he managed to turn an absolute victory (Tet Offensive) into the worst defeat since Pearl.
If CNN was actually interested in "attacking" Obama, they would not bother with his middle name but his politics. They would attack him for saying things which imply that Republicans wouldn't vote for him because they are racist.
I don't mind Obama, he's an outstanding public speaker. I just get extremely upset how if I don't vote for him it's because of skin color, when in reality I could care less.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas