Shani, that's saying a lot. i'm saying i can't possibly believe that, but i'm saying....
mal, i love you, you know this...but i mean, there's know, all the crap that i drink with my friends who wear black turtle necks, and then there's
tea. which is sweet tea, which is awesome.
sultana, i already told you to let me know when you're coming through - boiled peanuts shouldn't be a problem. and this link thing between me and
m^2 sounds pretty hot
shalafi: i'm sorry you had to find out this way. it will be ok.
snowy: i'll go with lipton english black as the most common stock, although i'm sure there are contenders. you should definitely Beacon - and
shani was spot on about the Varsity. If you get to the Beacon somehow, I promise its a unique experience. The guy taking your order 1. doesn't speak what you would consider English, 2. he just yells it over his shoulder, 3. people who have never been there before get flustered and scared as he hollers them to give him their order. they're usually trying to ennunciate their orders and ask for the dressing on the side, honkey-ass shit like that, 4. your order magically appears at the end of the line.
shani i see we disagree on basic teas, but i'll give you that luzianne is quite fine. i suppose we are now shedding light on this whole sweet tea debate.