Originally Posted by Mister Coaster
I thought there was plenty of conflict between the teams. Te 3 teams formed the 6-pack and went against all others. Everyone hated the Blondes, and there was still conflict within the 6-pack between 'Bama and the Chos. Also all 3 of the final teams were at each others throat at least once in the final episode, and Rob & Kim were CONSTANTLY fighting. I thought it was a pretty good season.
I'm all over the place below, but anyway...
There wasn't really much conflict between the 6 pack and the others. They were just separate.
The Chos loved everyone. Their love for the rest of the 6 pack was annoying. Probably because I didn't think that the other teams would do the same in their place.
Kentucky loved everyone. They were entertaining, but utterly incompetent.
Bama was hostile toward many teams, but the show didn't develop it. Bama rarely made mistakes and often found alternate routes to places. I wanted more about them. At one point in the season Rob said something like "I don't know why they are so hostile". I didn't know why they were either.
The blondes were rarely hostile and got along well with eachother. (Which I liked. I also like the scene when they tried to let the models skip bama. That was entertaining). I'm guessing that we will see more of them next season.
The conflict between Bama and the Chos was minor and encompassed in a single episode.
Rob and Kim fighting was entertaining - the cars constantly breaking down, him having fits, wandering through the middle of city streets moaning, the tomato scene, him choking up when talking about the million and how much it meant, etc. They may have been my favorite team - they were so dysfunctional.
Generally, I like teams that work well together and succeed, attack eachother constantly, but still appreciate one another, or teams that have a lot of hostility toward other teams.