I think this is asinine, and completely brought on by everything that PC is doing to our country.
For one, yes it is a Christmas tree, not innately denominational of any religion, and even if it were, who really cares? For fucks sake, Christmas is a federal holiday.
Also I know this doesn't really bear into this discussion, but I saw it mentioned and I think it draws a fair-parallel. In my beloved hometown of the St. Paul Minnesota they killed the Easter Bunny last season...
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports:
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - A small Easter display was removed from the City Hall lobby on Wednesday out of concern that it would offend non-Christians.
The display - a cloth Easter bunny, pastel-colored eggs and a sign with the words “Happy Easter'’ - was put up by a City Council secretary. They were not purchased with city money.
The council president, Kathy Lantry, said the removal wasn’t about political correctness.
“As government, we have a different responsibility about advancing the cause of religion, which we are not going to do,'’ she said.
I can't believe people like this get taken seriously. I can't believe people are so afraid at the prospect of "offending" people they cower and cave into such asinine idiots.
Merry Fucking Christmas.