Ah....in PS:
rounded rectangle shape tool(choose your color of course that you want the button to be, if white, go ever-so-slightly gray)
Layer/layer style/bevel and emboss
Layer, flatten image.
Save as 'button'.
Open image to be used
Edit/copy/paste to new file
Select button(either by magic wand lasso and Select/Inverse or Marquee tool or Polygon)
Edit/copy/paste over image.
In layers, reduce opacity until image is seen clearly. Adjust image sharpness with Image/Adjustments/Curves
You can also just paste the image on top of the button and reduce its capacity instead-depends on the image, really.
Save as.
By saving a basic button first, all you have to do is change the image and repeat the layering over of the button graphic and reducing its opacity.
Tutorials generally suck, I've found, as they seem to have a need to use every stupid little feature...I've done in 5 steps what my books list 20 for and have 're-taught' my instructors on a few tricks.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.