Originally Posted by ratbastid
I don't know. This whole show totally speaks to the power of the geek demographic. I don't think it's a surprise to them at all.
That's just it. The geek mystique is still unfathomable to many people. It's more than that. Since when is "Screech" or "Urkel" the hero, or the love interest? Is there anyone more nerdy than Peter Petrelli or Hiro? The show's success was definitely a surprise to the execs as they were picked up for more episodes.
It also breaks a lot of traditional Hollywood formulas. Having this many characters is risky. Also, this is one hell of a diverse cast and not just bit roles either. Having a few interracial couples is quite shocking in the entertainment world. Despite popular opinion, Hollywood is quite conservative which is why it's always funny when people refer to it as crazy liberal. Hollywood can be quite resistant to change and fears anything new.