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Old 12-08-2006, 12:43 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ch'i

Though its a possibility, I probably wouldn't try to control the dog through a strangle hold because they can, indeed, thrash themselves out of it with ease.
Exactly. Your best bet is a weapon that puts you in largo mano range (I know you'll get that, but for everyone else, the range that lets you hit the dog with a stick, but the dog can't reach you). Nothing shorter than a standard kali stick.

Repeated strikes to its frontal lobe, and jaw would probably disorient them,
Again depends on the dog. Many dogs have skulls that may as well be armor.

and dog's front legs have a somewhat limited range of motion so it might be plausible to break one.

Better break 2. Dogs can run just fine on only 3 legs. My vet always says that dogs are 3 legged animals with an extra leg for insurance, and he's right. I've seen dogs move incredibly fast on only 3 legs.

Actually, the only instance I can remember flat out fighting an animal is when a cat snuck up, jumped onto my neck and began clawing. It ended up in the neighbor's pool.
Look I'm willing to admit that it might be possible to fight a dog and come out on top, but you're on your own with the damn cat

I was shooting a story in a humane society once when a cat jumped between my shoulder blades and dug in. Couldn't reach the damn thing, can't do anything crazy because I have a $68,000 camera on my shoulder that I can't afford to fix, so instead I went home with giant bloody scratches all down my back. What does the wife do? Gives me a big bear hug the minute i walk in the door, so I see stars all over again.

Cats suck

Originally Posted by jorgelito
Wow, you mean mace will not stop a pit bull? Damn, I guess I'll have to get a taser then. Do you know where else I can buy mace in addition to an outdoors store? Where can I get a taser for that matter?
Pit bulls are incredibly tough. They were bred to fight and, especially if the owner's an asshole who wants a fighting dog, they're extremely good at it. You can beat on one all day long and he still won't let go. Pain simply doesn't register when they're in attack mode, which is why mace doesn't do much either. Frankly I'm not sure a tazer would be overly effective - especially if the thing's biting you since you'll get the shock too, and I guarantee your body is a lot more fragile than the pit bull's. I'd frankly rather have to fight a guy with a knife than to have to go up against an angry pit bull. At least with the knifer I have a chance.

Disclaimer: Yes, I know, many pits are very sweet dogs who wouldn't hurt a fly. That's nice. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the one who wants my arm as a souvenir.

Last edited by shakran; 12-08-2006 at 12:48 AM..
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