Originally Posted by ratbastid
it's the kids' job to make sure the grownups are having a good time. If the grownups stop having a good time, it's over, and we're going home.
A better way to work this rule, IMHO, and the way I work it myself, is that it's the kid's job to make sure they are not the cause of me not having a good time. Let's face it. I am NOT going to have a good time over lunch at Chuck E Cheese. Period. Not gonna happen. The kid's playing his video game or jumping in that pit of balls and I'm listening to what sounds like 750 other kids squalling at the top of their lungs and being general brats. There is absolutely nothing my child can do to make me have a great time at this place, but then that particular restaurant is geared toward making sure my KID has a good time. That's good enough for me, and provided my kid doesn't start acting stupid like all the other kids in there, we're not going to up and leave just because I don't like it.