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Old 12-07-2006, 05:13 PM   #29 (permalink)
Location: under a rock
Domination works better as a preventative. When a dog is being aggressive, posturing and not accepting your dog's attempts to pacify (surely you have trained your dog not to be agressive), that is the time to dominate it. If you wait till the fight has begun and the other dog has gone from merely aggressive to actually violent, you will likely get bitten.

Dominating a truly violent dog will not always work. Dogs actually need to be taught to understand human body language. A dog that spends most of its life neglected and untrained may not actually be able to communicate at all with a human, especially a dog that might have been born feral and taken in off the street, or puppy-milled without human contact.

I would not recommend grabbing any dog that is being violent by the neck or collar because it may bite. No matter how fast you think you are, odds are the dog is faster. A better choice is to grab it by the hindquarters--wrap your hands around its waist and hoist the back legs off the ground. It cannot bite you, not can it struggle effectively or continue to attack your dog.

Pepper spray is a good thing to carry around, but check to make sure you don't need a license for it in your area. Also, learn to use it! You might accidentally spray your own dog, yourself, or everyone around you by spraying it into the wind.

Quick notw in response to some threads:

Unless you are a trained fighter, you will not be able to break a dog's neck. Breaking necks is super difficult and even the fighters at my dojo would not feel confident in their ability to do it. Don't try.

You should also not count on your ability to crush or even effectively constrict a dog's windpipe. Dogs, unlike people, have a complete circle of cartilege around their necks, specifically to protect them in fights. Their necks cannot be crushed, except maybe by stomping on them and they will not hold still for that. Again, don't try.

On getting bitten: if an animal (any animal) bites you, don't move. Hold perfectly still and say nothing. They will let go, feeling they have won the fight, and you can sue their owner or whatever you want to do. Struggling will make the animal bite harder and might tear your flesh; fighting back against an aggressive animal will make it fighter harder and maybe even try to main or kill. Speaking as someone who has been bitten many times by many different species, holding perfectly still is the best way to go.

This is not about scoring points or preserving your dignity; this is about protecting yourself and your dog. don't try to be brave or feirce. stay away if you can, whack with a stick if you have one, grab the aggressive dog in a safe way if things go too far. Don't turn it into a deathmatch by wrestling an animal far better equipped to fight and kill than we are.
There's no justice. There's just us.
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