Help me out here guys. Is there any reason to use anything but the top-notch 1-handed sword + shield? I mean the fucking 2-handers have like 5% more damage but you lose all that defense. The katanas and ninja swords aren't as good as the 2-handers. The rods and staves make the character suck ass at meleeing for a SMALL increase in magic power. The hammers are entertaining, but they are very inconsistent. The list goes on and on. 1-handed swords are strong as hell and never fail. Why use anything else? For example:
2H Katana has 70 AP and is 10,000 gil
1H sword has 70 AP and is 10,000 gil
So why would you use the katana over the 1H sword + shield? It doesn't make any sense.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert