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Old 12-07-2006, 08:42 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by willrave
Well that's a big bowl of not true. If a dog clamps down, you simply remove it's eyes, squeze it's nuts, hit it in the ear with one finger as hard as possible, or some other very painful attack. They will let go if they fee the clamp down puts them in danger. Don't you watch the Dog Whsiperer?
The U.S. Military special forces are taught what Shakran said. That's the gold standard as far as I'm concerned.

Originally Posted by zed wolf
I am going to stand by my methods.
It is a very aggressive/dominant move that dogs understand. Especially when coupled with a loud growling "NO!" from you. Also, it is incapacitating to the animal in a fairly non injurious way that can be turned fatal if need be.
I would never try to hit, box, karate chop, kung-fu, or stick whack a dog. they are too fast and maneuverable for that sort of thing. Hitting also will only inflict pain and anger the animal not incapacitate it.
So they're too fast and maneuverable to whack with a cane, and you want to try to grab one by the throat?

The throat grab works by playing into the fact that in an aggressive situation they will try to bite you giving you ample opportunity to get at the throat. Even with a large breed dog with a well muscled neck you can get a good grip on them to the point where if you wanted to you could easily crush its windpipe. Having control of this area of the animal also removes its most effective weapon, its teeth.

It also places your hand right next to some very fast-moving teeth. The other accepted method besides pushing down their throat is to grab both front paws and "make a wish." Their pectoral muscles are not very strong.

If a dog is attacking me or my family, I'm not worried about whether I cause it permanent harm. All I care about is that it doesn't harm me or mine.

Last edited by magictoy; 12-07-2006 at 08:49 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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