Originally Posted by Lasereth
Did anyone read the actual report? This kid is a hellion. If my kid did all of the shit that he did, and he finally ripped open a present that was bought on good intentions, I'd go apeshit as well. The mom obviously called the cops based on his history of behavior, not just the present.
Well unfortunately the cops enforced the present present-opening behavior, not the past behavior. For the cops to be diverted from handling real crimes to arresting a stupid kid for opening a stupid christmas present is asinine. If he's such a hellion, maybe he should have been arrested when he assaulted the cop.
Presumably he got in at least some sort of trouble with the law about that. If that didn't scare him, how the hell is giving him a rap sheet for the high crime of present-peeking going to do anything?
This case is indicative of how the mother most likely performs all of her child rearing. Namely, she doesn't bother because it's too hard. Instead of calling the cops, just take the damn toy away and make sure the kid never gets it. Ever. Return it, sell it, hell crush the damn thing in front of him. Teach him there are consequences to disobeying orders.
Oh and while we're on the subject, kids peek at christmas presents if they get the chance. That's called being a kid. Quit being a dumbass about it, and next time hide the damn presents better. If this kid is really such a horrible boy, why in hell is mom choosing THIS incident to get excited about?
And another thing, why is mom buying the kid a nice video game system if he's such a jackass? The kid behaves or he doesn't get goodies. Hell even Santa Claus has that rule, why can't the parents?