Originally Posted by stevie667
Pimp smack the kid upside the head, that'll teach the little ****.
While I agree with you, these days that can be how the cops will arrive at your house looking for YOU.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
What ever happened to it takes a village?
It went to a well-deserved death. It doesn't take a village--it takes a PARENT. Preferably two.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
A parent's rules should be like gravity. Gravity never explains the rules. Gravity just enforces the rules, universally, immediately, and without deviation. Mess with gravity's rules, you end up on your butt, no matter how much you whine or pout about it. By the time we're 2 or so, we've got that figured out, and we never question gravity's rules again.
That sounds great, but so do a lot of things, in theory.
In practice, there are innumerable shades of gray. There seems to be more success when parents choose their battles, and concede others.