Originally Posted by warrrreagl
On TFP we've already hashed and re-hashed how so many parents are too emotionally terrified of their own children to raise them anymore. And then I get to eat next to them at the restaurant. What I can't figure out is why the police didn't tell this lady to go fuck herself, grow some backbone, and handle her own damn kid.
Holy shit, lady.
Me either, well said. Especially knowing she was 15 when she got pregnant with him, i'm not surprised.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
A parent's rules should be like gravity. Gravity never explains the rules. Gravity just enforces the rules, universally, immediately, and without deviation. Mess with gravity's rules, you end up on your butt, no matter how much you whine or pout about it. By the time we're 2 or so, we've got that figured out, and we never question gravity's rules again.