It is tough to be a single parent. A boy needs a father. Things like this really don't surprise me anymore with the decay of the family these days, kids are absolutely ill-behaved and borderline criminal (I live in LA where I see poor juvenile behavior on a daily basis).
Regardless of how irresponsible she was/is, it was better for her to call the cops than to just ignore it or let it go. What ever happened to it takes a village? I believe there are some people on this board who watch their neighbor's kids on a daily basis etc. A single mom trying to raise a boy is quite a handful. Oh and hey, who knows, maybe the arrest will scare him straight. When I was in high school, they made us visit a prison and meet these criminals (I was in a special program). That was one of the scariest experiences of my life. Made me think twice about being "disruptive" cause the last place I wanted to end up was there.